• Our Core Values

    God- centered through Jesus Christ

    “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16


    We honor each other’s personality, desires and aspirations that enable us to work in a fun, loving and disciplined environment.


    “As a person I do what I say and deliver what I promise.”


    “I make my work and behavior show the best in me in order to bring out the best in others.”

    Honesty and Integrity

    “I choose to do what is right even when no one sees me, even when no one tells me, even when nothing compel s me.”


    “We complement each other in service, feeling fulfilled in all that we do together.”’


    “We use our head with our heart before our hands, so that we achieve the most with what we have.”

    Social Responsibility

    “We think, talk, and act not only for ourselves but also for other people and the community, so that we all continually improve and develop”